linux im jabber2 server


The full version of this for Linux is in an RPM file, rather than Linux Mint DEB. It can be converted

sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential

sudo alien packagename.rpm

sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb

So example

sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential

cd ~/Downloads

sudo alien openfire-4.0.3-1.i386.rpm

sudo dpkg -i openfire-4.0.3-1.i386.deb




Jabberd but really much more complicate because the directions are for an old version. Visit the web site for current install(very messy IMHO)

Pretty straight forward, start with lan and then can be opened up to the wan.


To install jabberd2, in a terminal enter:

sudo apt install jabberd2


A couple of XML configuration files will be used to configure jabberd2 for Berkeley DB user authentication. This is a very simple form of authentication. However, jabberd2 can be configured to use LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc for for user authentication.

First, edit /etc/jabberd2/sm.xml changing:


Replace with the hostname, or other id, of your server.

Now in the <storage> section change the <driver> to:


Next, edit /etc/jabberd2/c2s.xml in the <local> section change:


And in the <authreg> section adjust the <module> section to:


Finally, restart jabberd2 to enable the new settings:

sudo systemctl restart jabberd2.service

You should now be able to connect to the server using a Jabber client like Pidgin for example.