Linux laptop and remote notes

Remote connection

Might help with Xerox printer drivers
Very strange but might be worth investigating

=== customize caja actions ==============

you can really customize, add menu options, etc., if you install the packages python-caja and gir1.2-caja (the latter isn’t listed as a dependecy but should be, it won’t work without it). There are a few simple examples stored in /usr/share/doc/python-caja/examples, which you can play with. For example, copy the script from there to your home directory, ~/.local/share/caja-python/extensions/ and you will see it adds new menu items to both the desktop menu, and the menu you get when you click on an item.

As for the specific commands run in the context menus, you may really have to dig through the source code to get that. First question though is which context menu? The desktop (create folder, create launcher, create document, organize desktop, etc.), or the one when you select a file or folder (open, cut, copy, paste, rename, move to trash, etc.)?

It looks to me that items are being put into those menus by adding them to get_background_items, get_file_items, or get_toolbar_items. But that’s just the python code which uses caja-extensions. That’s designed to make it easier to extend and add custom items, but not to edit the built in items. For that, you probably have to get into the C code, maybe look for any files which contain:

#include “fm-actions.h”

hat’s where a lot of the file menu items seem to be declared, but you will have to dig into the code to see where they are implemented.

==== end caja customize