First, to get the sub-woofer to work use the following, but it is a very poor solution so I didn’t implement it in the final laptop setup:
I want the lighted keyboard on an ASUS laptop to start at level 1 everytime it boots or resumes/thaws from sleep/hibernate. This worked
I created a conf file in /etc/init
Open directory as administrator
Create file
Inside that document paste:
description "start keyboard lights"
author "john statler"
start on [2345]
su – tech -c “/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness”
end script
Save and reboot. <su – tech> tells the system to run the command as a super user.
=== more complex but also works ===
add the command into /etc/rc.local
or, for an individual user, into *home*folder/.bash_profile (I didn’t have one of these so I skipped it)
or in cron
bash -c
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness
BUT — that wasn’t all, in order to get this to run as per user (the previous command didn’t pass after user log-in)
This will set the …backlight/brightness file so it can be written to without super user privileges.
sudo visudo
at the end of the file type:
ALL ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tee /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness
reboot to have it take effect
now, to test the script you can run the following from a command line. You can change the 1 to a 3 for instance.
echo 1 | sudo /usr/bin/tee /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness
I had to actually create a script file and run that from Menu/Startup Applications
Create file /home/your_user_name/
Create a new text file
# set keyboard lights to level 1
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness
save as
Right-click on new file, select properties/permissions and allow execution
Now put the following line into Menu/Startup Applications under some name like key_lights
bash -c "exec /home/your_user_name/"
==== the following failed to work but here’s the notes====
That works except for resuming from hibernation or sleep. To get that create 11_keyboard_lights_pm and put in in /etc/pm/sleep.d (the 11 makes sure it runs among the last of the scripts)
case "$1" in
echo 3 | sudo /usr/bin/tee "/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness"
==== ====
if you want to see the command show in a terminal (I might have gotten something wrong) (I honeslty don’t know why this is here)
mate-terminal bash -c "echo 1 | sudo /usr/bin/tee '/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness'; bash"