This bash file will create hard links from a tab delimited text file that declares on each row the source and hard link destination
To run such a bash file:
Create a new document.
What ever name, end in .sh
Right-click, select properties/ make executable change permissions if needed
Always start such a file with #!/bin/bash
To run the file type: sh dir/
#!/bin/bash # Opens a text file, reads each line # Each line in the text file has two items separated by tab # First item is the SourceFile (SF) # Second item is the destination folder and name to put the hard link (DL) # Creates a hard link with line's parameters # read -r, the -r says to not allow backslashes to escape any characters # filename='/media/Office-Files/Files/create_links.log' # variable to set text file. IFS=" " # set read to separate with tabs (between double quotes is an actual tab from the keyboard). while read -r SF DL ; do # read each line in the text file and assign variable to each item. ln "$SF" "$DL" 2>> errors.txt # create hard link using variables from text file. done < "$filename" # strange that the text file name is put at the end, but it is.