Well, good intentions…

I had the best of intentions of posting daily, or at least frequently. It is not as easy as it sounds.

I set my web browser up to show the “new post” entry page when I checked my regular web sites. The idea was that if I saw the entry page everyday I would be more likely to post everyday. It hasn’t really turned out like that.

There have been two main blocks (read as excuses) to my writing to this blog. First, I wonder what subjects to write about and second, I worry that I’ll say something really stupid.

Both of these excuses are really silly. The first excuse is silly because my head is full of words strung out as stories, in fact I have a hard time getting a little peace and quiet up there. The second block is silly because of course I’ll say something stupid. Every time in the past that I have practiced new skills (like writing for 10 minutes every day) I get goofy results.

So, maybe I’ll lighten up on myself and just start writing here as often as I can manage it.
